Pagina web
Page Web Layout: It is the composicion of text,image or other elements on the pages of print and eletronic media. Part of a Web Page: Head-Company information header Nav-Main Menu Section-Setión Article-Artículos Aside-Alternate menu Footer-footer Example: Vignettes to be used: <html lang="es"> <Meta name="descrip" content="descrip pagina" <Meta charset="UTF-8"> <link href ="ruta" rel="stylesheet" type=text/css" <a href="ruta"> texto </a> <div="forma1"> <p> </p> </div> IMPORTANT MARKUPS <html lang="ES"> this markup is used to indicate the language and is placed after <doctype html!> HEADER MARKUPS < meta name="" content="" -Is used to make a small description of the page -It is to indicate the orthographic symbols that the page will recognize, UTF-8 recognizes symbols of spanish -...